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DNSSEC, the digital signature for authentication

DNSSEC, the digital signature for authentication Hoogma Webdesign Beerta

Does your website process sensitive data? For example, do you operate a webshop, or do you provide services in the field of finance or other personal matters? Then it is important that your website or domain name contains a DNSSEC. As a website and internet specialist, we can set this up for you.

What exactly is DNSSEC?

DNSSEC stands for "Domain Name System Security Extensions". This is a security extension for your domain name, which makes it possible for the visitor to your website to check whether the content of the displayed website is authentic.

For example: A visitor clicks on your website via an advertisement. But actually this is not your website, but an exact copy of it. Cyber criminals have imitated this website, and they are now the recipient of all sensitive data entered on this website.

What does DNSSEC do?
DNS handles the translation of the URL, or domain name, to the IP address of the server on which the website runs. That's how it works. DNSSEC provides that DNS information with a digital signature, so that the client can check whether the content is authentic. This is done automatically, so you as a visitor do not have to do anything yourself.

Because this digital signature is set up between the name servers and the domain name registry, it is not known to cyber criminals. When the visitor now visits a copied website, the DNSSEC will not be found. Fortunately, the visitor will now not see the copied website, but a security warning.

Is DNSSEC necessary for my website?

If your organization or company processes sensitive data via e-mail or via the website, such as personal data or financial data, having DNSSEC is indispensable. This way you ensure the safety of your visitors and prevent your company from becoming a target of hackers. This may be attractive due to the size or international relations of your company. Even if you have to meet certain security standards - such as ISO 27001 or similar - it is important that the DNSSEC is set for your domain name(s).

Are you going for the best security on your website?
In a world that is still developing rapidly digitally, it is good to stay informed of the possible dangers and cyber threats. As a web designer and internet specialist, we are on top of this and are happy to provide you with the best security and fast, safe and easy-to-find websites. For example, go for a website in HWCMS, a beautiful website that will help you establish your online visibility.

Please feel free to contact us for more information, or to set up DNSSEC for your domain name.

Would you like to see more? Go to the page Our services.

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