Renewed website RUN Winschoten

Renewed website RUN Winschoten Hoogma Webdesign Beerta

The website of the RUN Winschoten, created by us, has been up for some time now. And because the trends within the world of websites, just like in many other industries, change regularly, the website was ready for a new, fresh look. We created this in collaboration with the chairman of the RUN Hans Olthof.

Nowadays we see that icons and images are becoming increasingly important. Visitors are often intuitively inclined to look for illustrations as navigation within a website. Nowadays people don't always have the time or desire to scroll through entire chunks of text in search of information. Therefore, the pages must be usefully organized.

On the homepage of the RUN website we have added six icons, each representing one of the parts of the RUN. Such as the 100 KM Ultraloop, the 50 KM and 10x10 Relay, but also the WandelRUN and Lutje RUN that can be clicked on.

Importance of good texts next to recognizable icons on a website
Own, unique texts with relevant keywords will remain very important in 2024 for a good result in search engines such as Google. If you combine this with a logical menu structure of the pages, you get a smooth website that is easy to visit and use.

Texts in your own language for international visitors to the RUN Winschoten website

Thanks to a smart link with Google Translate, a website in HWCMS can exist in multiple languages. The visitor selects the desired language area himself using the correct flag at the top of the website, and the texts are then displayed in that language.

Because the translation using the link is automated, it may not be 100% accurate. We always advise our customers to have this checked by a native speaker. And fortunately there will be plenty of them at the RUN in September, because this Winschoten running event attracts a lot of international visitors every year!

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  • Voys  Hoogma Webdesign Beerta
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  • Partner van Laposta  Hoogma Webdesign Beerta
  • 24/7 Bestellen Beerta Hoogma Webdesign Beerta
  • Partner van Mollie  Hoogma Webdesign Beerta
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